ISO: Names to make my MIL cringe.

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Post by Marie »

curvyred wrote:You should just tell your MIL that you were totally in love with the Emily Rose name, so you're going to name your son--

Emil Ross.
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Post by curvyred »


Thought you'd like that.
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Post by chickenlittle »

I love the name Emily. Unfortunately, that damn "Exorcism of Emily Rose" movie ruined my ability to use it, because my last name is Rose :crying
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Post by Sunrunner »

curvyred wrote:We were talking about alternate boy names (and since at least one of the top two made the lists here, I'm not saying what they are! :huffy ;)) DH decided he likes the name Christopher.

Nice, "normal" name, right?

It is . . . until he let me know that it was so that his kid would be named after Superman. :spit
EEEEEEEK!!! Does DH want him to be cursed like all the TV Supermen have been? ImageImageJust kidding. I actually like some of the names I posted, but I know that other people would think they're a bit odd.
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Post by curvyred »


I'll have to ask him about that!

Actually, we were being goofy and looking at our third and fourth choice boy names--envisioning a platoon of little boys. ;)

I already know my mom doesn't like our first choice boy name. Eh. Oh well--she has time to adapt. :)
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Post by Rowan »

I don't have any suggestions but I can commiserate. We didn't plan to tell anyone our name but my mom tormented me so much (actually stopped talking to my dad because of it and he called to force me to tell her) that I gave in and told. As I told her I was crying and she misunderstood what I said and spent months thinking we were naming our son Mangus. :tearhair

Its going to be a long hard road. You might want to come up with a few not in the running names and stick with those. When the baby comes you name him the name you had planned and just tell everyone that you changed your mind since he looked like a "insert name". That's what I'm going to do for #2.
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Post by Marie »

(((Rowan))) that is awful! Why do people do this shit? Jeff said she realized my names were fake sometime last night because she emailed him again about it. Basically every time MIL asks either of us she's getting a list of names to piss her off. My current frontrunner for next time is Jason Frederick. (think about it, I'm a huge horror movie fan....) Or possibly Burns Montgomery. I'm hoping she eventually gives up.
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Post by Spudd »

Just don't get involved, Marie. If she emails you asking about the names, don't reply. If she emails Jeff, let him deal with it. Don't let it stress you out, it's not worth it. Or make Jeff grow some cojones and tell his mother that the name is a secret until the baby is born!
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Post by Marie »

Spudd it isn't stressing me out, I'm enjoying fucking with her. Especially now that she knows I'm fucking with her. :twisted:

Besides, not responding to an email from my MIL means that she goes on a tyrade of "why are you mad at me???" *huge eye roll*
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Post by Spudd »

OMG, she sounds SO annoying. You have the patience of a saint.
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Post by Beverly »

Sunrunner wrote: Gaetano
Lachlan (although the Celtic in me likes this name)

Wow, I have to go find my keepsake baby name book!
My best friend's son is named Lachlan ... I think it's a terrific name, but it gets mispronounced a lot.
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Post by velocirrober »


*runs backstage*
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Post by velocirrober »

You can also use geographic names, like some people do back home... just make sure they sound masculine enough (try the ones that end with a syllable containing 'o'):

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Re: ISO: Names to make my MIL cringe.

Post by aly »

Marie wrote:Jeff doesn't have the *ahem* balls to just tell his mother that we aren't telling the name until the Peanut is born. His mother is driving us CRAZY with names. She's really hitting it hard now that we know he's a boy. After talking to her last night she just emailed me AGAIN begging to know the name.

So give me some names, totally reasonable normal names, that will make my white, middle class sheltered Christian MIL cringe.

I know the name! It's Josh!
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Re: ISO: Names to make my MIL cringe.

Post by velocirrober »

I am back... And the first question I have for the group is: Which name did you end up choosing?
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Re: ISO: Names to make my MIL cringe.

Post by velocirrober »

You got fast fingers.
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Re: ISO: Names to make my MIL cringe.

Post by aly »

Duh...I just posted. It's Josh. :lol

Anywho, this thread was funny so it made it into The Vault. Where we keep the funny posts. People may not even see it's been bumped. Yeah, I realized that after I bumped it. :lol

Anyway, go to Anything Goes and announce your return.
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