The Bitch

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The Bitch

Post by aly »

MIL leaves in less than 3 weeks. Let the countdown begin! :yay

Latest in the Bitchy News:

I got my new US Weekly today and hid it under the rest of the mail to look at later after playing with Julian and putting him to bed. Of course, MIL snatches it to hog it for 2 1/2 hours and I didn't get to look at it when I wanted to. I was mad. :huffy Kristen Cavallari and Jessica Simpson sharing men is SACRED. Sacred I tell you.

We made a scene at Walmart this weekend. Bo and I went grocery shopping with her at a Supercenter on Sunday and she has lately been refusing to speak to Bo...I dunno if she's now written him off and is just biding her time here till she goes back or what. Anyway, she's now doing everything through me. :headslap So she grabs her own basket for her separate food (which she either hides in her room or puts in plastic bags in the pantry or fridge in order to show that it's not for anyone else to have, or in order to make it more difficult for a potential eater to get to the item...this occurs even when we purchase her food, which we do most of the time. She has purchased her own food a few times. Oh, and she purchases her own food period because she says our food makes her sick :eyeroll:) So we're walking around getting groceries and Bo and I go ahead since she takes an hour to pick 1 apple. I said to Bo that it would just make things worse if we just leave her and do our own shopping, because she'll get pissed, but he said to just do it because no matter what we do she's going to get pissed. So we go ahead. She does her shopping separately and we're ready to check out and we make a loop around to find her. Bo goes ahead with Julian and the cart and I look in another area. He doesn't find her but I do, and she's livid, of course. She starts to demand shit

oops be back to finish

Ok back.

So she starts to talk about how we left her and she "knows no English" and the fact that we left her is a "demonstration of us" and I was like, "Are you angry?" (why did I say that? :lol) and she goes, "YES! I angry!" :whew Glad we cleared that up.

So I went off. Bo had found us by then and I just went off on her. And of course I probably sounded ignorant because I have to talk slowly using words she'll understand. It was probably so ridiculous looking. I basically said something like "You don't appreciate anything! I am trying to help you but you don't like anything! You treat everyone like crap!" Stuff like that. I don't know if she got much of it, but I was shaking afterwards. There wasn't anyone in the aisle so people that heard were probably the ones that just walked by, so hopefully not that many did. :oops: I look back now and think how very "Walmart" it all was. :giggle We only shop there because it's significantly cheaper, btw. :oops:

Later she came to the checkout and said, "I help you, right?" and I had calmed down and felt guilty by then and said, "Yes, you help us very much, I appreciate all your help with Julian and everything" and I agreed to take her back to Walmart the next night to finish her shopping. Still, I can't wait till she leaves and I never have to put up with this again.
Last edited by aly on Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:00 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Lady Bug »

WTF is her problem? Is she just not adjusting well to Bo's new life? Why aren't they talking? This is so strange!
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Post by Marie »

I'm so glad you only have 3 more weeks of this! I cannot believe how horribly she acts towards you and Bo. It is really just not excusable.

(((Great Big Hugs)))

After she leaves you and Bo need a nice night out to yourselves to relax.
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Post by Spudd »

Poor you! That sounds like it was awful. I can't imagine how you've managed to put up with her for so long. Do you have your daycare all lined up for when she leaves? She sounds like such a drama queen. Bleah!

2 weeks, 5 days, and counting! (or whatever the real count is :lol)
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Post by Blush »

Wow. She really is a piece of work. I agree with Marie. Make reservations today!
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Post by Suzanne »

Whoa. Even though you probably don't think it, but you are handling the situation very well. I would have put her ass on a plane weeks ago. :aww
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Post by Kelly »

Wow that woman is nuts. I'm so glad she'll be gone from your home. Is she really going to go this time?
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Post by Beana »

She is seriously the MIL from HELL.

My God!!!

I know you'll be so happy when she leaves. She has definitely overstayed her welcome.

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Post by Aimie »

Is this still one very long visit, or did she leave for awhile and then come back? WOW! I'm really sorry that you have had to put up with her for so long.
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Post by Miss_Skates »

Woah! She sounds VERY difficult!!
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Post by Crystal Meth »

I have a friend whose MIL won't speak to her purely because she doesn't think my friend has wide enough hips for child-bearing. :dunno (That's to get to you back for your dirt comment in my apartment thread. :giggle )

You got into this business because you're funny and weird, and you're socially retarded. And because it pays well. - Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock.

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Post by curvyred »

Holy crap! :tearhair :tearhair I'm sure you'll be so glad when she goes home. What a rough ride you've had with her around!
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Post by Anna »

Holy Crap Aly.. I'm glad she's almost gone
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Post by Sunrunner »

I've been out of the loop. I thought she went home before now. I'm really sorry you are still having to put up with her, but the end is in sight!!!
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Post by aly »

Sorry I didn't respond sooner...I have so much work to do and school work to make sure I take care of before next week.

WTF is her problem? Is she just not adjusting well to Bo's new life? Why aren't they talking? This is so strange!

I think that's it, she can't handle life here in the US, she's away from everything she's ever known. She's also weird in that she's not socially competent...she's also very childish, so she doesn't know how to deal with things in an adult manner. You can't reason with her either. She'll get pissed off at Bo for some stupid reason and not speak to him. And she used to get over it in a day or so, but now she is I guess holding out until she leaves. It's sad though, because their relationship is pretty much messed up forever. After the ordeal on Sunday, however, she DID admit to Bo that I am more "responsive to her needs" than he is. I was glad she said that because I was ready to put the smack down. :twisted: No really, I needed to hear that because instead of me shutting down for the next 2 weeks, I will be able to put up with her long enough to get her out on a good note.

Do you have your daycare all lined up for when she leaves?

Yep, Julian will be starting either on April 3 or 10th, not sure yet because I am having jaw surgery March 27 and will be off work for 2 weeks. The first week MIL will be here, but the second week I might choose to keep him home depending on how my recovery is going, or maybe slowly ease him into daycare by taking him for partial days or something.

Is she really going to go this time?

Yes. She has been here almost a full 6 months so she has to leave, as the visitor's visa only allows you to stay for 6 months.

Is this still one very long visit, or did she leave for awhile and then come back?

It's still the same visit. She got here on October 4th and leaves April 2nd.

I have a friend whose MIL won't speak to her purely because she doesn't think my friend has wide enough hips for child-bearing. (That's to get to you back for your dirt comment in my apartment thread. )

That's why I love you Crystal. :smug
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Post by mott »

total threadjack:

Aly, can you tell me about your jaw surgery? I need it, too! You said you'd be recovering for 2 weeks. I was told I would need to recover for 2 months -- up to a year before I can be normal again!

I'm guessing yours is less extensive? But no picnic I am sure!

also, of course, -- I am glad for you that MIL is leaving soon and you will be able to say goodbye on a somewhat good note!
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Post by aly »

Mott, I actually just made a thread about it!
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